
Bronx Arena High School’s mission is to support and empower over-age, under-credited students to achieve academic success so they can earn a high school diploma and graduate prepared to enter college, post-secondary training, or a career path that matches their personal and professional goals and aspirations. Bronx Arena’s graduates will be self-motivated and confident allowing them to expand and express their own talents.


Bronx Arena High School is a collaboration between the New York City Department of Education, and SCO Family of Service. As partners, we understand the interdependent relationship between personalized learning communities and academic achievement, viewing both as essential to enabling all students to meet high standards and create productive futures for themselves. Individualizing, personalizing, and humanizing education, are the surest ways to academic engagement and success.

Our school is based on the belief that high quality student-teacher relationships coupled with student-centered learning and personalized educational experiences are the essential components of a successful 21st century educational community. A school that focuses on one of the essential components without building capacity in the other two risks alienating a portion of the student population. We maintain that high quality instruction and learning are not substitutes for quality relationships between school staff and students. School staff must come to the table with effective, interpersonal, facilitation and group processing skills to develop positive supportive relationships with each student. Once a caring, supportive school culture is established, staff are able to build a high functioning, high performing group of learners.